Saturday, February 24, 2007

Pardon you have the time???

Tempus Fugit...
(Time Flies)

...about as fast as we want it to.

Movies portray this wonderfully, that first kiss, that scary moment, that...spidey sense. At certain moments in our lives time seems to freeze. It's like we could sense everything, and do anything. Do we really have the power to slow down time...? Yeah, and the Egyptians were from Mars. Of course not.

But then why do we feel this way???

Well its a matter of our perception. During these events we lose all care about anything else and focus completely on that event. For example, when we are having a good day it seems to go so quickly. This is because we are influenced by our perceptions of the world. Our observations account for our feelings, when we are able to enjoy our surroundings and observations we then pay no attention to the purple paint drying on your neighbors house. However, when we have nothing to do we pay attention to all those little things, and "time" seems to go much slower.

So we can't control time but we can control our perceptions...the point?

It cracks me up how people would: 1. like to have all the time in the world, to live forever, to reach their full potential...and 2. In order to do this they would basically have to stop or slow time.

The irony of it, and why its funny, is that if "controlling time" is a matter of perception, and it seems to speed up when we are doing things. Why, then, do we... do more? So we can fit more into our life, most likely. However, if we would slow down, and stop to smell the roses; we may actually have a life where we know what a rose smells like. Don't let time control you, and don't try to control it. Just live life, and let others live theirs.

(If that didn't put you or your brain six feet under, I could go deeper... see post "Seriously! What time is it?")

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